Make the best use of power of new

Manjunatha Hebbar
2 min readMar 18, 2018


New gives a fresh perspective. New brings an opportunity to shed something old — the one that has outlived its purpose or not helping in progress. New helps in touching those edges, otherwise never exercised. New is welcome. New also triggers curiosity and anxiety. If you nourish curiosity, there’s a great opportunity to make something remarkable.

Best use of the power of new is when you make it a catalyst. One that brings natural progression to those existing for a while. Try adding a new task to your daily routine every day. Take a new route to work. Adopt a new tool to get everyone on the same page. Add a new member to your next project; every-time you start a new project, idea or business. Propose a new way-of-working with existing client. Consistent pursuit of new makes you an explorer. Keeps the energy levels high and helps you stay on the course of your mission. When stuck with a problem, explore solutions with new people, new way, and new setups. You might find a compelling solution and also opportunities hitherto uncovered.

You can use new effectively when you let go something else and make way for this. Else you accumulate and create clutter. Given that we all have only 24hrs in a day and definitive goals to achieve at work unless you make room by giving up something, new cannot take its place and help you with. When you give up something or someone for making way for new, don’t dump. Do it gracefully. Graceful exits are critical to keeping the value of association live through different phases of time. You are helping it or them to be included as new in another project or idea. They will continue to be active catalyst elsewhere. Just for the reason you are giving up, it does not mean that they have lost value. You are re-newing them as well.

Make the power of new work for you and others too.

be a #dreamerdoer

Originally published at on March 18, 2018.



Manjunatha Hebbar
Manjunatha Hebbar

Written by Manjunatha Hebbar

Exploring the world of StartingUp, ScalingUp and Staying Afloat through strategy, technology and management lenses. Tech and tech for social good!

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